Eskimo Joe’s offers returns for faulty, incorrect, or damaged items within 30 days of receipt of shipment. If the item you purchased isn’t covered by Eskimo Joe’s general return policy, you will be notified by a Customer Service Associate.
If you think your slush machine may be faulty, we’ll do our best to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. If the slush machine is faulty, we’ll offer you a resolution in accordance with your legal rights.
You are entitled to a refund, replacement or store credit for any Eskimo Joe’s item that arrives faulty, damaged or leaking, or wrongly delivered.
Before you request a return, a replacement, a refund or store credit, make sure that your item is eligible. If the item you purchased isn’t returnable or refundable per Eskimo Joe’s Returns and Refunds policy, you will be notified by a Customer Service Associate.
Eskimo Joe’s does not accept returns of the following items:
Any item without an approved return merchandise number (RMA) by a Customer Service Associate.
Any item opened or used.
Any item not in its unused, original packaging.
Any item where clear payment has not been received.
When seeking a return on a product, please contact us by submitting a request via our support centre.
Once a support ticket is generated we will investigate your issues and advise you whether your product may be returned, replaced, refunded or store credit issued and, if approved, we will provide you with a Return Authorisation and instructions on how to proceed. Once an item is returned we will either inspect your goods and investigate any claimed defect or error, and where applicable, process a refund, replacement or store credit. If we do not believe a refund, replacement or store credit is applicable upon inspecting your goods your claim will be rejected, and you may be liable for the cost of return.
Refunds will be issued using the payment method used for purchase. Store credits will be issued to the account used to purchase the goods. We aim to process refunds and replacements within 10 business days of receipt by us of the return. Your refund will be issued in the same currency as your payment for the items was made. It may take up to an additional 10 business days after your credit is applied for it to post to your account.
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